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Eastern European Countries Insolvency and Restructuring Conference In co-operation with the Latvian Ministry of Justice and the Government Agency 'Insolvency Administration'
Riga September 22-23, 2007
Eastern European Countries Insolvency and Restructuring Conference
In co-operation with the Latvian Ministry of Justice and the Government Agency 'Insolvency Administration' After the full success of the first BGN Western European Countries Insolvency and Restructuring Conference in Madrid, Spain, this May, the next BGN Eastern European Countries Insolvency and Restructuring Conference will take place in Riga, Latvia, on September 22-23, 2007.
To ensure an extensive participation of professionals from the respective host country, BGN and EIR Conferences organize their conferences in close co-operation with the respective national practitioner associations and ministries as well as government agencies thus with first-hand information on practise and future developments. The event in Riga is organized in official co-operation with his Excellency, the Latvian Minister of Justice and the Government Agency "Insolvency Administration". BGN and EIR Conferences have won interesting additional partners for the event, including the Turnaround Management Association (TMA), which will host a workshop before the conference on Friday, September 21.
Main Topics of the Conference are as follows:
TMA Turnaround Management Workshop
Saturday & Sunday Panel I: "Latest Development and Trends in Insolvency Lawmaking" Panel II: "Distressed Investment in Eastern Europe" Panel III: "Recent restructuring issues and tools under national laws" Panel IV: "Cross-Border insolvency and restructuring"
Confirmed speakers include e.g.:
His Excellency, the Latvian Minister of Justice Prof. Jan Adriaanse (Universiteit Leiden)
Nick R. Hood (Begbies Global Network London)
Dr. Steffen Koch (hww Wienberg Wilhelm Hamburg
Gordon W. Johnson (Turnaround Management Association)
ReTurn ist das unabhängige Experten-Forum für Restrukturierungen, Sanierungen und Turnarounds. Dadurch gibt es erstmalig auch in Österreich eine Plattform, auf der sich Restrukturierungsmanager, Banker, Wirtschaftstreuhänder, Unternehmensberater, Investoren und Rechtsanwälte professionell mit dem Thema Restrukturierung befassen.