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Mission Statement

We offer an independent authority center for restructuring, reorganizations and turnarounds.
ReTurn is the first platform in Austria that provides a meeting point for all those who are concerned with restructuring issues in their profession - restructuring managers, management consultants, bankers, trustees, specialized investors, attorneys etc. Thus ReTurn is able to offer excellent expertise as well as an extensive pool of experts in restructuring and turnaround management. Our goal is to improve and assure the quality of the Austrian restructuring market.
The Austrian market for restructuring, turnarounds and reorganizations needs to be professional, transparent and uniform so as to enhance the chances of economic success through crisis management in enterprises.
In order to achieve this we want to…
… introduce internationally recognized quality standards.
… start initiatives for the improvement of the general legal conditions for restructuring.
… make good turnaround management measurable and visible. We offer our members a platform for networking and exchange of experience.
ReTurn addresses every one who is directly involved in restructuring processes: restructuring managers, management consultants, bankers, trustees, specialized investors, attorneys etc. We provide them with an interdisciplinary platform for the exchange of experience and knowledge as well as opportunities for advanced vocational training. At our regular events featuring top-class speakers, members and persons interested get the opportunity to inform themselves about current developments and topics of the restructuring market at first hand as well as to discuss them. At the same time we want our members also to profit from our network. We promote the training of the restructuring managers of tomorrow.
By acquiring a qualification as a "Turnaround Expert" you now have the possibility to become certified and trained as a Turnaround and/or restructuring manager for the first time. Starting from autumn 2007 we offer, together with the Quality Academy Incite (of the Austrian professional association for management consultancy and information technology), a certification program and practice-oriented training as a Turnaround Expert. The qualification and quality of individual restructuring managers is just as important for Austrian enterprises as for the professionalism of the entire market. 

ReTurn ist das unabhängige Experten-Forum für Restrukturierungen, Sanierungen und Turnarounds. Dadurch gibt es erstmalig auch in Österreich eine Plattform, auf der sich Restrukturierungsmanager, Banker, Wirtschaftstreuhänder, Unternehmensberater, Investoren und Rechtsanwälte professionell mit dem Thema Restrukturierung befassen.

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ReTurn ist seit Ende April 2015 das 50. Chapter der TMA
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